Current Build HL7 Version 2 Table 0440

This is a table defined as part of HL7 v2 . Related FHIR content: v2 Data Types.


Name:v2 Data Types
Definition:FHIR Value set/code system definition for HL7 v2 table 0440 ( Data Types)
Code System URL:
Value Set URL:
CodeSystem ResourceXML / JSON
ValueSet ResourceXML / JSON

This value set is used in the following places:

  • This value set is the designated 'entire code system' value set for v2 Data Types

Data Types

CodeDescriptionNederlands (Dutch)CommentVersion
AD AddressAdresReplaced by XAD as of v 2.3added v2.4
AUI Authorization informationAutorisatie informatieReplaces the CM data type used in sections IN1-14, as of v 2.5.added v2.5
CCD Charge code and dateFacturatiecode en datumReplaces the CM data type used in section BLG-1, as of v 2.5.added v2.5
CCP Channel calibration parametersKanaalcalibratie parametersReplaces the CM data type used in OBX-5.3 where OBX-5Observation value (*) is data type CD as of v 2.5.added v2.5
CD Channel definitionKanaaldefinitieFor waveform data only;.added v2.4
CE Coded elementGecodeerd elementWITHDRAWNadded v2.4
CF Coded element with formatted valuesGecodeerd element met waarden met opmaak65536added v2.4
CK Composite ID with check digitSamengesteld ID met controlegetalWITHDRAWNadded v2.4
CM CompositeSamengesteldWITHDRAWN Replaced by numerous new unambiguous data types in v 2.5added v2.4
CN Composite ID number and nameSamengesteld ID en naamWITHDRAWN. Replaced by XCN as of v 2.3added v2.4
CNE Coded with no exceptionsGecodeerd zonder uitzonderingen705added v2.4
CNN Composite ID number and name simplifiedSamengesteld ID en naam vereenvoudigdRestores the original data type CN as was initially implementable in the CM used in sections and, and - (OBR-33) and - (OBR-34) and - (OBR-35). Components 7 and 8, however, hadded v2.7
CNS Composite ID number and name simplifieddeprecatedadded v2.5, removed after v2.6
CP Composite priceSamengestelde prijs.added v2.4
CQ Composite quantity with unitsSamengestelde hoeveelheid met eenhedenCQ cannot be legally expressed when embedded within another data type. Its use is constrained to a segment field.added v2.4
CSU Channel sensitivity and unitsKanaal gevoeligheid en eenhedenReplaces the CM data type used in OBX-5.3 where OBX-5Observation value (*) is data type CD as of v 2.5.added v2.5
CWE Coded with exceptionsGecodeerd met uitzonderingen705added v2.4
CX Extended composite ID with check digitUitgebreid samengesteld ID met controlegetal1913added v2.4
DDI Daily deductible informationDagelijks aftrekbaar informatieReplaces the CM data type used in section IN2-30, as of v 2.5.added v2.5
DIN Date and institution nameDatum en naam instellingReplaces the CM data type used in sections STF-12 and STF-13, as of v 2.5.added v2.5
DLD Discharge to location and dateOntslag naar locatie en datumReplaces the CM data type used in section - OM2-9, as of v 2.5added v2.5
DLN Driver's license numberRijbewijsnummer66added v2.4
DLT DeltaDelta45added v2.5
DR Date/time rangeDatum/tijd bereik53added v2.4
DT DateDatum8added v2.4
DTM Date/timeDatum/tijd24added v2.5
DTN Day type and numberDag type en nummerReplaces the CM data type used in section IN3-11, as of v 2.5.added v2.5
ED Encapsulated dataIngekapselde gegevensSupports ASCII MIME-encoding of binary data.added v2.4
EI Entity identifierEntiteit identificatie427added v2.4
EIP Entity identifier pairEntiteit identificatie paarReplaces the CM data type used in sections - ORC-8, - OBR-29, - OBR-29, as of v 2.5.added v2.5
ELD Error location and descriptionFoutlocatie en omschrijvingWITHDRAWNadded v2.5
ERL Error locationFoutlocatie18added v2.5
FC Financial classFinanciële klasse47added v2.4
FN Family nameAchternaamAppears ONLY in the PPN, XCN, and XPN.added v2.4
FT Formatted textTekst met opmaak65536added v2.4
GTS General timing specificationAlgemene specificatie van tijd199added v2.5
HD Hierarchic designatorHiërarchische aanduiding227added v2.4
ICD Insurance certification definitionVerzekeringcertificatie definitieReplaces the CM data type used in section IN3-20, as of v 2.5.added v2.5
ID Coded values for HL7 tablesGecodeerd waarde voor HL7-tabellenVariableadded v2.4
IS Coded value for user-defined tablesGecodeerde waarde voor gebruiker-gedefinieerde tabellen20added v2.4
JCC Job code/classBaan code/klassificatie292added v2.4
LA1 Location with address variation 1Locatie met adres variatie 1Replaces the CM data type used in RXO-8 and RXE-8 as of v 2.5. Retained for backward compatibility only as of v 2.5added v2.5
LA2 Location with address variation 2Locatie met adres variatie 2Replaces the CM data type used in RXD-13, RXG-11 and RXA-11 as of v 2.5. Retained for backward compatibility only as of v 2.5,added v2.5
MA Multiplexed arrayMultiplexed arredFor waveform data onlyadded v2.4
MO Money20added v2.4
MOC Money and charge codeGeld en facturatiecodeReplaces the CM data type used in sections OBR-23 and OBR-23 as of v 2.5.added v2.5
MOP Money or percentageGeld of percentageReplaces the CM data type used in section IN3-5, as of v 2.5. This data type is restricted to this field.added v2.5
MSG Message typeBerichttypeReplaces the CM data type used in MSH-9 as of v 2.5.added v2.5
NA Numeric arrayNumerieke arrayFor waveform data onlyadded v2.4
NDL Name with date and locationNaam met datum en locatieReplaces the CM data type used in sections and OBR-32) , and - ( OBR-33) and - ( OBR-34) and - ( OBR-35) as of v 2.5.added v2.5
NM NumericNumeriek16added v2.4
NR Numeric rangeNumeriek bereikReplaces the CM data type used in sections OM2-6.1, OM2-6.3and OM2-6.4, as of v 2.5.added v2.5
OCD Occurrence code and dateGebeurtenis code en datumReplaces the CM data type used in sections UB1-16 and UB2-7, as of v 2.5.added v2.5
OSD Order sequence definitionAanvraagvolgorde definitieWITHDRAWNadded v2.5
OSP Occurrence span code and dateGebeurtenis spanne code en datumReplaces the CM data type used in section UB2-8, as of v 2.5.added v2.5
PIP Practitioner institutional privilegesZorgverlener instellingsprivilegesReplaces the CM data type used in PRA-7 as of v 2.5.added v2.5
PL Person locationPersoon locatie1230added v2.4
PLN Practitioner license or other ID numberZorgverlener licentie of ander IDReplaces the CM data type used in PRA-6, PRD-7 and CTD-7 as of v 2.5.added v2.5
PN Person namePersoonsnaamWITHDRAWNadded v2.4
PPN Performing person time stampUivoerende persoon en tijdstipequivalent of an XCN joined with a TSadded v2.4
PRL Parent result linkParent resultaat linkReplaces the CM data type used in sections - OBR-26 and - OBR-26 as of v 2.5.added v2.5
PT Processing typeVerwerkingstype3added v2.4
PTA Policy type and amountPolistype en hoeveelheidReplaces the CM data type used in section IN2-29, as of v 2.5.added v2.5
QIP Query input parameter listQuery invoerparameterlijst212added v2.4
QSC Query selection criteriaQueryselectie criteria219added v2.4
RCD Row column definitionRij-kolom definitie19added v2.4
RFR Reference rangeReferentiewaardenbereikReplaces the CM data type used in sections - OM2-6, - OM2-7 and8.8.4.8 - OM2-8 as of v 2.5.added v2.5
RI Repeat intervalHerhaalinterval206added v2.4
RMC Room coverageKamerdekkingReplaces the CM data type used in section IN2-28, as of v 2.5.added v2.5
RP Reference pointerVerwijzing273added v2.4
RPT Repeat patternHerhaalpatroon984added v2.5
SAD Street AddressStraatadresAppears ONLY in the XAD data type.added v2.4
SCV Scheduling class value pairPlanningsklasse waardepaarFor scheduling data only. See Chapter 10added v2.4
SI Sequence IDSequence ID4added v2.4
SN Structured numericGestructureerde numerieke waarde36added v2.4
SNM String of telephone number digitsString met telefoonnummercijfersDefinition: a string whose characters are limited to "+" and the decimal digits 0 through 9. As a string, leading zeros are always considered significant. Maximum length: Not specified for the type. May be specified in the context of use.added v2.7
SPD Specialty descriptionSpecialisme omschrijvingReplaces the CM data type used in PRA-5 as of v 2.5.added v2.5
SPS Specimen sourceMonster bronWITHDRAWNadded v2.5
SRT Sort orderSorteervolgorde15added v2.4
ST String dataPlatte tekst199added v2.4
TM TimeTijd16added v2.4
TN Telephone numberTelefoonnummerWITHDRAWNadded v2.4
TQ Timing/quantityTiming/hoeveelheidWITHDRAWNadded v2.4
TS Time stampTijdstempelWITHDRAWNadded v2.4
TX Text dataTekstuele gegevens65536added v2.4
UVC UB value code and amountUB waardecode en hoeveelheidReplaces the CM data type used in sections UB1-10 and UB2-6, as of v 2.5.added v2.5
VH Visiting hoursBezoekuren41added v2.4
VID Version identifierVersie identificatie973added v2.4
VR Value rangeWaardebereikReplaces the CM data type used in QRD-11 as of v 2.5.added v2.5
WVI Channel IdentifierKanaal identificatieReplaces the CM data type used in OBX-5.1 where OBX-5 Observation value (*) is data type CD as of v 2.5.added v2.5
WVS Waveform sourceWaveform bronReplaces the CM data type used in OBX-5.2 where OBX-5 Observation value (*) is data type CD as of v 2.5.added v2.5
XAD Extended addressUitgebreid adresReplaces AD as of v 2.3added v2.4
XCN Extended composite ID number and name for personsUitgebreide samengestelde ID en naam voor personenReplaces CN as of v 2.3added v2.4
XON Extended composite name and ID number for organizationsUitgebreide samengestelde ID en naam voor organisaties567added v2.4
XPN Extended person nameUitgebreide persoonsnaamReplaces PN as of v 2.3.added v2.4
XTN Extended telecommunications numberUitgebreid telecommunicatienummerReplaces TN as of v 2.3added v2.4